Re: feature-request : html + css logging in apache logs (example for the rest of the unix community too)

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 6:55 AM
Subject: announcing public release of jsonViewer and saJSON
To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Internals <internals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i'm gonna re-opensource these in the future anyhow for that update to the
PHP error handling, so i thought it would be nice to release what i got now
(should work, may need a tiny bit of work by you)..

perhaps *you* can include it in the following package{3}? nice challenge
perhaps..? :)
light background css :
dark background css :

jsonViewer provides :
- a pure-PHP encoder for JSON that can handle JSON in the range of at least
100MB to maybe 1GB or more (provided you provide enough RAM ofcourse)
- JS that outputs HTML that actually can view such large arrays, tested
with sample JSON file[1] of 100MB in 2013
- runs in all browsers, smartphones iPhone6+ and Android 4.2+ too
- initially fully-collapsed view of your data showing just the root keys
- ability to open keys by clicking on them, or up to the required depth
(opening-links for all up to the max depth too)
- pretty colors, auto-generated from easy templates (
- a bunch of other convenient and if i may say so myself, technically
impressive features

which requires


see also my feature request to internals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, included here:

from my master todo file at
master/todo.platform.txt ;
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 5:07 AM
Subject: feature-request : html + css logging in apache logs (example for
the rest of the unix community too)
To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, internals@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Once again, thanks for keeping PHP free to use and so widely and easily
search for [3] for a copy of the rest of this thread.............. and [4]
for *this* email thread you're reading now..

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 5:28 AM, Rene Veerman <
rene.veerman.netherlands@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> eh oops, this would've maybe been easier, and allows me to update these
> sources in the future if and when needed..
> webappObfuscator-1.0.0/functions__basicErrorHandling.php
> webappObfuscator-1.0.0/1.0.0/functions.php
> webappObfuscator-1.0.0/functions__internalErrorHandling.php
> light background css :
> webappObfuscator/blob/master/webappObfuscator-1.0.0/
> webappObfuscator-1.0.0__ajax.css
> dark background css :
> webappObfuscator/blob/master/webappObfuscator-1.0.0/
> webappObfuscator-1.0.0.css
> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 5:21 AM, Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@
>> wrote:
>> all are donated to public domain :
>> __FILE__==='functions__internalErrorHandling.php';
>> <?php
>> require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/1.0.0/functions.php');
>> require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/functions__basicErrorHandling.php');
>> function woError ($errCode, $errMsgOrArray) {
>> if (is_array($errMsgOrArray)) {
>> if (ob_get_length()>0) ob_end_flush();
>> ob_start();
>> var_dump ($errMsgOrArray);
>> $errMsg = ob_get_clean();
>> } else if (
>> is_string($errMsgOrArray)
>> || is_int($errMsgOrArray)
>> || is_float($errMsgOrArray)
>> ) {
>> $errMsg = '' . $errMsgOrArray;
>> } else if (
>> is_bool($errMsgOrArray)
>> ) {
>> $errMsg = (
>> $errMsgOrArray
>> ? 'TRUE'
>> : 'FALSE'
>> );
>> }
>> //echo 't1200';
>> //echo '<pre>'; var_dump (debug_backtrace()); echo '</pre>'; in
>> badResult() instead
>> trigger_error ($errMsg, $errCode);
>> }
>> function woBasicErrorHandler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline,
>> $errcontext) {
>>   //echo 'woBasicErrorHandler.main:start';
>> $stacktrace = debug_backtrace();
>> $errType = wo_php_errorType_humanReadable($errno);
>> $errSeverity = 'woErrorSeverity__error';
>> if (stripos($errType, 'warning')!==false) $errSeverity =
>> 'woErrorSeverity__warning';
>> if (stripos($errType, 'notice')!==false) $errSeverity =
>> 'woErrorSeverity__notice';
>> if (stripos($errType, 'user')!==false) $errSeverity .= '
>> woErrorSeverity__user';
>> if (stripos($errType, 'parse')!==false) $errSeverity .= '
>> woErrorSeverity__parse';
>> if (stripos($errType, 'core')!==false) $errSeverity .= '
>> woErrorSeverity__core';
>> if (stripos($errType, 'compile')!==false) $errSeverity .= '
>> woErrorSeverity__compile';
>> $html =
>> '<div class="woError '.$errSeverity.'"><h1>webappObfuscator error</h1>'
>> .'<p>'.$errType.' : '.$errstr.'</p>'
>> .woBasicErrorHandler__prettyStacktrace ($stacktrace)
>> .'</div>';
>> echo $html;
>> //reportStatus (1, $html); // RV : where the F is that function??
>> die();
>> /*
>> echo '<h1>dfo error</h1><p>'.errorType_humanReadable($errno).' :
>> '.$errstr.'<br/>stacktrace:</p><pre>';
>> var_dump ($stacktrace);
>> echo '</pre>';*/
>> }
>> function woBasicErrorHandler__prettyStacktrace ($st) {
>> global $errorsBasepath;
>> $r =
>> '<div class="woStacktrace">'
>> .'<span class="woStacktrace__basePath">All filenames are under :
>> '.$errorsBasepath.'</span><br/>';
>> foreach ($st as $stackNumber => $stackData) {
>> if (array_key_exists('file', $stackData)) {
>> $relPath = '...'.str_replace($errorsBasepath, '', $stackData['file']);
>> } else {
>> $relPath = '.../';
>> };
>> if (array_key_exists('line', $stackData)) {
>> $line = '<span class="woStacktrace__line">(line
>> '.$stackData['line'].')</span>';
>> } else {
>> $line = '';
>> }
>> $file = '<span class="woStacktrace__file">__FILE__ : '.$relPath.'</span>
>> ';
>> $function =
>> '<span class="woStacktrace__function">'.$stackData['function'].'( '
>> .(
>> array_key_exists('args',$stackData)
>> ? woBasicErrorHandler__prettyStacktrace__arguments ($stackData['args'])
>> : ''
>> )
>> .' )</span>';
>> //if ($stackNumber > 0) { // ignore the call to saBasicErrorHandler()
>> itself
>> $r .=
>> '<div class="woStacktrace__item">'
>> .$file.' '
>> .$line.' calls '
>> .$function
>> .'</div>';
>> //}
>> };
>> $r .= '</div>';
>> return $r;
>> }
>> function woBasicErrorHandler__prettyStacktrace__arguments ($args) {
>> $r = '<span class="woStacktrace__args">';
>> foreach ($args as $argIdx => $arg) {
>> if (is_array($arg)) {
>> $r .= '<span class="woStacktrace__arg">'.htmlentities(json_encode($arg)).
>> '</span>';
>> } elseif (is_object($arg)) {
>> $r .= '<span class="woStacktrace__arg">'.htmlentities(json_encode($arg)).
>> '</span>';
>> } else {
>> $r .= '<span class="woStacktrace__arg">'.htmlentities($arg).'</span>';
>> }
>> $r .= '<span class="woStacktrace__argSeperator">, </span>';
>> }
>> $r .= '</span>';
>> return $r;
>> }
>> function wo_php_json_last_error_humanReadable ($errNo) {
>> // taken from
>> // on 2015 July 9th, valid for php version up to 5.5.0
>> $errorTypes = array (
>> JSON_ERROR_NONE => array (
>> 'errorCode' => 'JSON_ERROR_NONE',
>> 'msg' => 'No error has occurred'
>> ),
>> JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => array (
>> 'errorCode' => 'JSON_ERROR_DEPTH',
>> 'msg' => 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded'
>> ),
>> 'errorCode' => 'JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH',
>> 'msg' => 'Invalid or malformed JSON'
>> ),
>> JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => array (
>> 'errorCode' => 'JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR',
>> 'msg' => 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded'
>> ),
>> JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => array (
>> 'errorCode' => 'JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX',
>> 'msg' => 'Syntax error'
>> ),
>> JSON_ERROR_UTF8 => array (
>> 'errorCode' => 'JSON_ERROR_UTF8',
>> 'msg' => 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'
>> )/*,
>> 'errorCode' => 'JSON_ERROR_RECURSION',
>> 'msg' => 'One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded'
>> ),
>> JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN => array (
>> 'errorCode' => 'JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN',
>> 'msg' => 'One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded'
>> ),
>> 'msg' => 'A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given'
>> )*/
>> );
>> if ($errNo===0) {
>> $r = $errorTypes[0];
>> } else {
>> $r =
>> array_key_exists ($errNo, $errorTypes)
>> ? $errorTypes[$errNo]
>> : array (
>> 'errorCode' => 'ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR',
>> 'msg' => 'json_last_error() returned a code that is unknown to
>> fucntions__basicErrorHandling.php::wo_php_json_last_error_hu
>> manReadable()'
>> );
>> };
>> return $r;
>> }
>> function wo_php_errorType_humanReadable ($errNo) {
>>     if (phpversion() < '4.0.0') {
>> $errorTypes = array (
>> 1   =>  'Error',
>> 2   =>  'Warning',
>> 4   =>  'Parsing Error',
>> 8   =>  'Notice',
>>     2047   => 'E_ALL'
>> );
>>     } elseif (phpversion() < '5.0.0') {
>> $errorTypes = array (
>> 1   =>  'Error',
>> 2   =>  'Warning',
>> 4   =>  'Parsing Error',
>> 8   =>  'Notice',
>> 16  =>  'Core Error',
>> 32  =>  'Core Warning',
>> 64  =>  'Compile Error',
>> 128 =>  'Compile Warning',
>> 256 =>  'User Error',
>> 512 =>  'User Warning',
>> 1024=>  'User Notice',
>> 2047=> 'E_ALL'
>> );
>>     } elseif (phpversion() < '5.2.0') {
>> $errorTypes = array (
>> 1   =>  'Error',
>> 2   =>  'Warning',
>> 4   =>  'Parsing Error',
>> 8   =>  'Notice',
>> 16  =>  'Core Error',
>> 32  =>  'Core Warning',
>> 64  =>  'Compile Error',
>> 128 =>  'Compile Warning',
>> 256 =>  'User Error',
>> 512 =>  'User Warning',
>> 1024=>  'User Notice',
>> 2048=> 'Strict',
>> 2047=> 'E_ALL'
>> );
>>     } elseif (phpversion() < '5.3.0') {
>> $errorTypes = array (
>> 1   =>  'Error',
>> 2   =>  'Warning',
>> 4   =>  'Parsing Error',
>> 8   =>  'Notice',
>> 16  =>  'Core Error',
>> 32  =>  'Core Warning',
>> 64  =>  'Compile Error',
>> 128 =>  'Compile Warning',
>> 256 =>  'User Error',
>> 512 =>  'User Warning',
>> 1024=>  'User Notice',
>> 2048=> 'Strict',
>> 4096=> 'Recoverable',
>> 6143=> 'E_ALL'
>> );
>>     } elseif (phpversion() >= '5.3.0' && phpversion() < '6.0.0') {
>> $errorTypes = array (
>> 1   =>  'Error',
>> 2   =>  'Warning',
>> 4   =>  'Parsing Error',
>> 8   =>  'Notice',
>> 16  =>  'Core Error',
>> 32  =>  'Core Warning',
>> 64  =>  'Compile Error',
>> 128 =>  'Compile Warning',
>> 256 =>  'User Error',
>> 512 =>  'User Warning',
>> 1024=>  'User Notice',
>> 2048=> 'Strict',
>> 4096=> 'Recoverable',
>> 8192=> 'Depracated',
>>       16384=> 'User-level Depracated',
>>       30719=> 'E_ALL'
>> );
>>     } elseif (phpversion() >= '6.0.0') {
>> $errorTypes = array (
>> 1   =>  'Error',
>> 2   =>  'Warning',
>> 4   =>  'Parsing Error',
>> 8   =>  'Notice',
>> 16  =>  'Core Error',
>> 32  =>  'Core Warning',
>> 64  =>  'Compile Error',
>> 128 =>  'Compile Warning',
>> 256 =>  'User Error',
>> 512 =>  'User Warning',
>> 1024=>  'User Notice',
>> 2048=> 'Strict',
>> 4096=> 'Recoverable',
>> 8192=> 'Depracated',
>>       16384=> 'User-level Depracated',
>>       32767=> 'E_ALL'
>> );
>>     }
>>     return $errorTypes[$errNo];
>> }
>> ?>
>> __FILE__==='functions__internalErrorHandling.php';
>> <?php
>> /*---
>>   this is my way of providing quality runtime debugging info
>> (to the computerprogram itself, to developers, to end-users)
>> and -even more important- creating robust computerprograms that
>> can be debugged quickly when they break when they're faced with the
>> unexpected.
>> a future version of this will email all the *releveant* debug details
>> to the developer(s) whenever the unexpected hits the computer program
>> using this.
>> draft of this extension is detailed in webappObfuscator-1.0.0.php:::w
>> ebappObfuscator::readTokens()
>> */
>> function badResult ($errNo, $errMeta=null) {
>> if (
>>  is_string($errNo)
>>  || is_array($errNo)
>> ) {
>>  $errMeta = $errNo;
>>  $errNo = E_USER_ERROR;
>>  $errMeta['additionalError'] = 'badResult called with no $errNo as first
>> parameter';
>> };
>> if (is_string($errMeta)) {
>> $errMeta = array ('msg'=>$errMeta);
>> };
>> //$errMeta = filterArgs($errMeta, $filterSettings);
>> $e = array (
>> 'isMetaForFunc' => true,
>> 'phpErrorClass' => $errNo,
>> 'phpErrorType' => wo_php_errorType_humanReadable ($errNo),
>> 'error' => $errMeta,
>> );
>> $traceData = debug_backtrace();
>> $e['backtrace'] = $traceData;//phpFilterBacktraceData($traceData,$
>> filterSettings);
>> $e['globals'] = getGlobals();
>> //var_dump ($e);
>> /*if (function_exists('saError')) {
>>  echo 'error handler === saError()';
>>  saError ($errNo, $errMeta); //
>> } else*/if (function_exists('woError')) {
>>  echo 'error handler === woError()';
>>  woError ($errNo, $errMeta);
>> } else {
>>  echo 'functions__internalErrorHandling.php::no error handler specified,
>> var_dump-ing.<pre>';
>>  var_dump ($e);
>>  echo '</pre>';
>> }
>> return $e;
>> }
>> function getGlobals() {
>> $r = array (
>> '$_GET' => $_GET,
>> '$_POST' => $_POST,
>> '$_COOKIE' => $_COOKIE
>> );
>> return $r;
>> }
>> function good($r) {
>> return (
>> is_array($r)
>> && array_key_exists('result',$r)
>> );
>> }
>> //function &result(&$r) {
>> function &result(&$r) {
>> return $r['result'];
>> }
>> function &resultArray (&$r) {
>>   $r2 = array();
>>   foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
>>     $r2[$k] = result($v);
>>   }
>>   return $r2;
>> }
>> function &goodResult(&$r) {
>> $r2 = array (
>> 'isMetaForFunc' => true,
>> 'result' => &$r
>> );
>> return $r2;
>> }
>> ?>
>> __FILE__==='errorHandling_css_forLightBackgrounds.css'
>> .woError { border : 2px solid red; border-radius : 5px; padding : 5px;
>> background : yellow; color : red; }
>> .woStacktrace { font-size : 90%; font-weight : bold; }
>> .woStacktrace__basePath { color : purple; }
>> .woStacktrace__item { }
>> .woStacktrace__file { color : navy; }
>> .woStacktrace__function { color : #002300; }
>> .woStacktrace__line { color : blue;  }
>> .woStacktrace__args { color : navy; font-weight : normal; }
>> .woStacktrace__arg { color : blue; }
>> .woStacktrace__argSeperator { color : purple; background : white;
>> font-weight : bold; font-size : 100%; }
>> __FILE__==='errorHandling_css_forDarkOrSemitransparentBackgrounds.css'
>> .woError { border : 2px solid red; border-radius : 5px; padding : 5px;
>> background : yellow; color : red; opacity : 0.767 }
>> .woStacktrace { font-size : 90%; font-weight : bold; }
>> .woStacktrace__basePath { color : purple; }
>> .woStacktrace__item { }
>> .woStacktrace__file { color : navy; }
>> .woStacktrace__function { color : #002300; }
>> .woStacktrace__line { color : blue;  }
>> .woStacktrace__args { color : navy; font-weight : normal; }
>> .woStacktrace__arg { color : blue; }
>> .woStacktrace__argSeperator { color : purple; background : white;
>> font-weight : bold; font-size : 100%; }
>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 5:16 AM, Rene Veerman <
>> rene.veerman.netherlands@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> nothing's better than cut-n-pasting, i knooow :)
>>> so in the next few messages i'll include my own PHP handlers.. it's 4
>>> files, which i'll just post as ordinary text.. dunno and dont wanna test if
>>> attaching works to the entire list architecture (web caches and stuff)..
>>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 5:07 AM, Rene Veerman <
>>> rene.veerman.netherlands@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> Once again, thanks for keeping PHP free to use and so widely and easily
>>>> installed..
>>>> I have another feature request (sent earlier tonight)..
>>>> I quite often, much more than i like, *need* a stacktrace and *proper*
>>>> variable listings for each function called in PHP when it barfs out nothing
>>>> more than an apache error log entry..
>>>> And can we please show such entries in the browser *as well as the
>>>> apache log*? Or if nothing else, *just* in the browser?
>>>> Rather than going "all the way" and making variable contents (which can
>>>> grow quite large) collapsable and shit *right away*, you could simply add
>>>> the right <span> and <p> class="" names and supply a CSS file. I use it in
>>>> all error handling that does make it to set_error_handler(myHandler), and
>>>> that really is what makes things like my obfuscator (also posted about to
>>>> the php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx earlier tonight) possible.
>>>> And taking things that far allows guys like me to provide you with a
>>>> collapsable large-JSON-decoding viewer addon for such logfiles later (rest
>>>> assured that that'll get done once you do this for me).. i call it
>>>> jsonViewer and i should have it back up at
>>>> (or /jsonViewer) once the
>>>> obfuscator is fully done in a few weeks, at most..
>>>> if you want me to build (and opensource) things like that
>>>> true-obfuscator and my JSON scalable database architecture using just
>>>> apache2+ and php5+, it would really cut my development time in more than
>>>> half if you could add "all of this" (it's deadsimple and a few hours work
>>>> imo) to the next versions of PHP (and please make it the default, you can
>>>> include sample CSS or read in a CSS file that you set in php.ini (comment
>>>> on how to do this in the logfile html please))..
>>>> see
>>>> latform.txt for all relevant updates concerning these developments
>>>> mentioned here..
>>>> Thanks in advance for considering and likely adopting the 2 small
>>>> changes i need in the next versions of PHP.. I run ubuntu btw.. I'll be
>>>> checking the pages for your future updates..
>>>> If anyone can gimme a duration-to-completion for each of my requests of
>>>> tonight, that'd be awesome. I'll take a "wild guess", or any serious
>>>> objections that i might be able to sway out of the way..

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