Re: feature-request : html + css logging in apache logs (example for the rest of the unix community too)

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nothing's better than cut-n-pasting, i knooow :)

so in the next few messages i'll include my own PHP handlers.. it's 4
files, which i'll just post as ordinary text.. dunno and dont wanna test if
attaching works to the entire list architecture (web caches and stuff)..

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 5:07 AM, Rene Veerman <
rene.veerman.netherlands@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi.
> Once again, thanks for keeping PHP free to use and so widely and easily
> installed..
> I have another feature request (sent earlier tonight)..
> I quite often, much more than i like, *need* a stacktrace and *proper*
> variable listings for each function called in PHP when it barfs out nothing
> more than an apache error log entry..
> And can we please show such entries in the browser *as well as the apache
> log*? Or if nothing else, *just* in the browser?
> Rather than going "all the way" and making variable contents (which can
> grow quite large) collapsable and shit *right away*, you could simply add
> the right <span> and <p> class="" names and supply a CSS file. I use it in
> all error handling that does make it to set_error_handler(myHandler), and
> that really is what makes things like my obfuscator (also posted about to
> the php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx earlier tonight) possible.
> And taking things that far allows guys like me to provide you with a
> collapsable large-JSON-decoding viewer addon for such logfiles later (rest
> assured that that'll get done once you do this for me).. i call it
> jsonViewer and i should have it back up at
> tools/json (or /jsonViewer) once the obfuscator is fully done in a few
> weeks, at most..
> if you want me to build (and opensource) things like that true-obfuscator
> and my JSON scalable database architecture using just apache2+ and php5+,
> it would really cut my development time in more than half if you could add
> "all of this" (it's deadsimple and a few hours work imo) to the next
> versions of PHP (and please make it the default, you can include sample CSS
> or read in a CSS file that you set in php.ini (comment on how to do this in
> the logfile html please))..
> see
> master/todo.platform.txt for all relevant updates concerning these
> developments mentioned here..
> Thanks in advance for considering and likely adopting the 2 small changes
> i need in the next versions of PHP.. I run ubuntu btw.. I'll be checking
> the pages for your future updates..
> If anyone can gimme a duration-to-completion for each of my requests of
> tonight, that'd be awesome. I'll take a "wild guess", or any serious
> objections that i might be able to sway out of the way..

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