Hi gang: I'm trying to get my images scripts (class examples) to work for my College PHP class. The scripts worked on the old College Server, but the College changed their Server and now my examples have stopped working. I set up a DEMO on two different Servers to illustrate the problem. The script I am using is shown here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagettftext.php <-- (Example#1) The above script runs on my php1.net account, but does not run on the College account -- as seen here: http://citw.lcc.edu/~sperlt/citw185/examples/a.php <-- College Server http://php1.net/a.php <-- my php1.net Server The error I am receiving from the College error logs is: Call to undefined function imagettftext() My first assumption was that the college did not have the GD library installed, but that was not true. Using the following script: <?php echo('<pre>'); var_dump(gd_info()); echo('</pre>'); ?> On both servers produces: College: http://citw.lcc.edu/~sperlt/citw185/examples/a1.php and PHP1.net http://php1.net/a1.php I do see some differences in the settings, but I don't know if these are causing the error generated -- AND -- I do not know where I can go to change the GD settings IF that is needed. Any suggestions as to what I should do -- or -- what is wrong? Thanks in advance for your kind review. Cheers, tedd _______________ tedd sperling tedd@xxxxxxxxxxxx -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php