[snip] On Mar 26, 2012, at 5:58 PM, Robert Cummings wrote: > On 12-03-26 06:52 PM, Jay Blanchard wrote: >> [snip] >>> Did you end up with a satisfactory output? It's not overly difficult to generate an array instead of an object. >> [/snip] >> >> I did for all but this one instance. Are you saying that it would be easy to make of the children arrays? I thought they were already - am I missing something? > > They are arrays... but JSON_encode is creating objects. You can create arrays by traversing the array structure recursively and outputing your own JavaScript code to build a JavaScript array. I don't know if that would serve the purpose, but you would end up with an array. [/snip] I'm listening - so could this be added to the code that you just wrote? Or do I need to recurse the output from json_encode()? -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php