Phred White wrote:
He's baaaaack...
Well folks..
The good news is that APC and my upload progress is working! : )
The bad news is, ...kind of working. : |
It does exactly what I want, but at 1 hour of progress-barring, it
stops. I.e., APC stops returning a response for the given key. Whether
the connection has allowed 100MB, 500MB or 1GB. The file actually
continues to upload, for hours if necessary, and eventually gets there.
APC provides a sort of management page that lets you look at the APC
status, including a listing of "User Cache Entries" which includes any
still-valid upload keys, and any keys created via apc_add(). This
listing includes a Timeout value, which is "none" for the apc_add keys
and 3600 for the upload keys. Somewhat suspicious, I'd say, since the
keys stop being working after 1 hour of use.
APC lets you set a number of timeout values: apc.gc_ttl, apc.user_ttl,
apc.ttl. I have set all of these to be gianormous, but the upload key
timeout value never changes.
I can't believe that this is an inherent limitation, or nobody would be
using this. The Google claims people are using this for big uploads, so
I should be able to. I have looked through Apache/unix to see if this
limit refers to something set deeper in the system, but everything that
I know of that I can loosen up, I have.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Phred
Are you using SESSIONS or COOKIES at all in this application?
If so, could it possibly be related to one or the others timeout configuration?
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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