Quoting Yui Hiroaki <hiroakiyui@xxxxxxxxx>:
My problem is that I would like to share the parameter.
For instance, goolge map key.
There are actually two files.
$googlemapkey="g8ejeUFEUHEU";// example
Above is part of code;
I will excute main.php program.
then other.php run
But when other.php run, other.php requre $googlemapkey.
Of couse, I can get $googlemapkey if I use "include" or "require".
But if I use "include" or "require",
mail("test@xxxxxxxxxxx","test"."test") run again.
So this program send twice email. It is NOT GOOD.
I juse send $googlemapkey from mail.php to other.php
Please advice if you have any solution.
2008/6/4 Boyd, Todd M. <tmboyd1@xxxxxxxx>:
I knew it .
But "Hello" and "Good" is different file.
I would like to get "Good" from b.php.
Please tell me goo advice.
2008/6/4 Boyd, Todd M. <tmboyd1@xxxxxxxx>:
>> Thank you for your advice me!
>> -------------My.php-------
>> <?php
>> Class My{
>> private $word;
>> function __construct($getword){
>> $this->word=$getword;
>> }
>> public function buff(){
>> mail("aaa@xxxxxxxxxxx","test","test");
>> }
>> }
>> ?>
>> ----------------------------------
>> --------------b.php------------
>> <?php
>> function __autoload($class_name) {
>> include_once $class_name . '.php';
>> }
>> $objref=new My("Good");
>> $objref->buff();
>> ?>
>> --------------------------------
>> --------------c.php----------
>> <?php
>> function __autoload($class_name) {
>> include_once $class_name . '.php';
>> }
>> $obj=new My("Hello");
>> $obj->buff();
>> ------------------------------
>> That is what I want to try.
>> When c.php run, Mail() function run // < it is OK
>> When b.php run, it also run Mail() fuction. // it is NOT OK
>> I would like to run Mail() function one time only from c.php.
>> However I also get prameter which declare "Good" in b.php
>> Now when c.php and b.php run, the program send twice email. That is
> not
>> good!!
>> I would like to run c.php and b.php, then the program, which is
>> function, get one email and get "Good" from b.php
> You are not making any sense... if you only want the Mail() function
> run once, then ONLY CALL ->BUFF() ONE TIME. It's that simple. You
> mailing twice because you call buff() in two separate places--and
> in turn calls Mail(). I don't understand your problem.
> $objref = new My("Good");
> $obj = new My("Hello");
> $obj->buff();
> Bam. You get Hello, Good, and it sends one e-mail. Since you are
> completely abstracting your code from its real-world application,
> the best I can do.
I still don't get it. Please explain to me WHY this is not a solution to
your problem?
Class My{
private $word;
function __construct($getword){
public function buff(){
function __autoload($class_name) {
include_once $class_name . '.php';
$objref=new My("Good");
// $objref->buff(); NOTICE HOW THIS IS COMMENTED OUT!!!
function __autoload($class_name) {
include_once $class_name . '.php';
$obj=new My("Hello");
$obj->buff(); // MAIL() IS EXECUTED HERE
If that doesn't work, then here are my questions:
1.) What on earth are you ACTUALLY trying to do?
2.) Does ->buff() NEED to be called for each instance of My()?
3.) Are you wanting multiple instances of this class to share data?
4.) If (3), then are you familiar with the STATIC property?
Todd Boyd
Web Programmer
I think you are making it way to complicated for yourself.
So you really just need to share settings between files.
That's exactly what include / require are for.
$googlemapkey = "g8ejeUFEUHEU";// example
function sendMail() {
Here you include settings.php and are able to use the mapkey variable.
If you want to send an email just call sendMail();
include "settings.php";
// use your google API key any way you want
sendMail(); // sends mail
If you don't need the sendMail(); function. then don't call it.
include "settings.php";
// use your google API key any way you want
I think that's about as clear as i can make it.
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