On 3/12/08, Ray Hauge <ray.hauge.lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > You > come to a PHP mailing list to proclaim that RoR is better? No dumbass, I have already been here for a long time: http://marc.info/?l=php-general&m=95331489301933&w=2 And I didn't proclaim anything, Rob did: <snip> But then you'd end up with something like Ruby on Rails... and we all know about Ruby on Rails *VOMIT*. </snip> > It's people like you that turn a lot of people off to Ruby. I choose to use a language for a while before forming an opinion. I certainly wouldn't let someone's opinion sway my own inquisitive nature to have a go at it myself. > The community is insane! No more insane than 10 years ago when a great many of us realized we didn't have to use Perl any more to do web dev. I clearly remember hearing things said like "Now we have PHP and it's much better and much easier than Perl". I see similar happenings with Ruby and Rails right now. It's that same ease of use that now makes PHP feel like a beast to work with. > This was a great read. If nothing else he's funny. > > http://terrychay.com/blog/article/php-ruby-evil-good.shtml Looks pretty stupid to me.. what does a dog humping a cat have to do with anything in technology? Please keep your animal pr0n to yourself. -- Greg Donald http://destiney.com/ -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php