PHP-Gen wrote:
I believe there is some confusion on what ABS actually does. Ignoring all
the rounding that you are trying to do ABS is a very simple function.
ABS definition: Returns the absolute value of number.
What that means is.
Abs(1) = 1
Abs(2) = 2
Abs(3) = 3
Abs(0) = 0
Abs(-1) = 1
Abs(-2) = 2
Abs(-3) = 3
Simply put, returns the positive value of the number given. Thus if you put
it on a negative number it will always return positive.
This most likely doesn't help what your trying to do, but I wanted to
clarify this as you keep stating you are expecting a -1 when you use the ABS
function. Unless someone has some trick that I don't know about, ABS will
NEVER return a negative number.
Well, just to clarify, it was not I who suggested abs() as the fix. You can look back to see who
first suggested it your self.
First off, I completely understand what abs() does, I did passed my "basic math" class...
Secondly, I have been the one trying to point out how this is the wrong approach.
Finally, from what I can tell, the OP wasn't looking for a solution. He was looking for an answer
as to why it returned -0 and not 0.
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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