Daniel Brown wrote:
On 8/29/07, Zoltán Németh <znemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Think this through before you respond...
Try this
var_dump( round(-0.26) );
var_dump( abs( round(-0.26) ) );
var_dump( round(-1.26) );
var_dump( abs( round(-1.26) ) );
does this give you the desired results?
What if I expected -1 for the last answer?
It didn't take much thinking this time.... if you were expecting
-1 for the last answer, you'd be wrong. ;-P
The very nature of abs() is to return an absolute number, which is
never a negative.
Exactly my point, abs() is not the answer
if he had any negative number that did not round to zero, say it would round to -2, then having the
abs() in the calculations would return 2 instead of -2, which would be wrong.
From what I read from the OP, I don't think this is what he was looking for.
the op was asking why he got -0 instead of 0. not for a solution to fix it.
ok, better example.
$list[] = 1; # I expect to get 1 and I get 1
$list[] = -1; # I expect to get -1 but I get 1
$list[] = -1.2; # I expect to get -1 but I get 1
$list[] = -0.23; # I expect to get 0 and I get 0
$list[] = -0.75; # I expect to get -1 and I get 1
foreach ($list AS $value) {
var_dump( abs( round($value) ) );
But, from what the OP says, he would get -0 instead of 0 for the 4th entry. Am I correct with this?
if so, you could try casting it as an int like so
var_dump( (int)round(-0.26) );
That might fix the problem
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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