At 3/19/2007 07:17 PM, Leonard Burton wrote:
What my case is that I have came across a list of names that I need to
use and all of the names were in caps. From there anything is a step
in the right direction.
As you know, anytime you parse anything in bulk there will be
exceptions to the rule.
My goal would be to just pick the most common usage. If von Dielengan
is supposed to be VonDielengan in one case or Von Dielengan in another
is ok, it can be manually retouched later.
The CPAN class that someone posted earlier has some good points except
its not in PHP.
I will be working on some code sometime over the next 3 to 5 days and
might send it to you if you are willing to look at it.
Sure, it sounds like fun. I've written de-cap routines before for
whole addresses, names included. It's an amusing challenge to
whittle down the error rate.
I'll be interested to compare notes on strategies for implementing
this efficiently in PHP.
Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
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