I agree with Roman and Rory's comments, but I figure I might be able
to add something, so here goes...
On Oct 14, 2006, at 5:52 AM, Ross wrote:
I am very suprised how easy things like user auhtentication and form
validation is. Literally in minutes. Even though I have written a
script many times for php there is always some tweeking or modifying
required before it fits the project.
Checkout :
- Zend Studio
- Zend Platform
- Zend Framework
- Dreamweaver
Google search:
- "PHP Framework"
- "PHP library"
Also checkout Ruby on Rails. Last, but not least, search the PHP
mailing list for other available PHP frameworks for leads.
Keep in mind that editors may save you some work, but they often use
a generic approach - bloated code, less efficient code, code that
doesn't meet the specific needs of your project, code that's
difficult to change without fighting the editor, and code that's more
difficult to troubleshoot when you run into problems. Some people
are actually faster when coding manually, but that applies to C# just
as much as it does to PHP.
The asp object model is far superior,
something that PHP developers can't really argue against.
On what basis are you saying one is superior? It sounds like you're
still trying to learn the differences between your options in order
to choose which one to focus on. Please list individual reasons for
the superiority that you're talking about and give people a chance to
provide counter arguments or counter examples. Every language,
development platform, and development library has strengths and
Now I know asp .net is not ideal for all projects but I am now
thinking that
there are some projects that would be suited to the use of .net and
development time would be greatly reduced.
Sure, but the same thing could be said for PHP and some of it's
available development tools.
I would like to know
-What is planned for the next version of PHP?
In case you're not already checking, you'll have a more balanced
comparison if you also find out what's planned for the next version
of ASP or .NET.
-How many of you use both of the technologies?
I do. It's more expensive. There's a lot more work in applying
updates. There's also a lot more work to stay current with changes
in technology; Jack of all trades, master of none.
-What influences your decision when using either ASP, .NET, or PHP
The individual needs of each project. It's usually best to stick
with whatever the customer is using if they already have a large
investment in a particular technology. However, it is sometimes cost
effective to switch if the customer can afford it - Google "PHP
versus ASP" or "PHP versus .NET" for plenty of examples. Google
"Linux versus Windows"; this ties into the debate. Compare the cost
of hiring developers for each of the technologies. Compare the cost
of hosting on Linux versus hosting on Windows. Compare the security
of IIS versus Apache. And, like someone else mentioned, compare your
value in being able to develop on one platform versus your value in
being able to develop for one server platform versus your value in
being able to develop for all of the server platforms that Apache/PHP
work under. I've seen examples of .NET being implemented under UNIX;
they didn't work all that well from what I saw, but researching this
might also add to your pool of knowledge on which direction to go.
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