On 19 Apr 2006, at 15:42, Matt Todd wrote:
there will be (emphasis on the
eventuality, not on the present actuality) a time that PHP will become
the old stuff because it did not evolve with the philosophies.
Philosophies are just that.. a philosophy. They are not standards.
They are also two-a-penny. If PHP were to jump onboard and natively
and dramatically support all philosophies that came along, we'd have
one hell of a mess on our hands. Over time the good philosophies
remain, and the weak ones die away. The really good ones get turned
into standards that are then safe to adopt in a far broader sense.
Agile Development (and the broader term Web 2.0) is, right now, the
edge of development, and I and many others see it as the future of
development philosophies.
I've yet to see anything Web 2.0 related that PHP cannot do now,
today. Agile Development is a different kettle of fish, and a highly
debatable one as to its merits. No-one here doubts the merits of Web
2.0 (if there is any such thing), we all know that if such
methodologies wish to be used, they can be - right now. Which is why
it's really not a 'big issue' to most people here.
I'm not saying that Rasmus can't see, but that he will easily choose
to stay with how he sees the forest – understandable as I choose to
Rasmus !== PHP
A strong influence? Yes. The original architect? Yes. But he himself
isn't PHP, he doesn't drive every single element of its development
and direction (he isn't that selfish!), so to single him out on a
personal level as being in control of where PHP does (or doesn't) go
is a bit nuts, imho.
Honestly, I'd love to see basic variables be objects, as models of
real world data with properties for the data such as a $number->length
or $word->as_array() giving you letters.
Sadly not everything maps to 'real world' data. How do you represent
something that is intangible in the real world? Your 'basic variables
as objects' idea is curious, I would need to see more (useful)
examples before passing comment.
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