A few months back I wrote the list asking for help making a connection to a MS SQL database from our linux webserver. At that time I was able to make a successfull connection on Fedora Core 1 after installing php-mssql.rpm and a freetds rpm. When I upgradd to FC4, I was unable to continue my project because the RPMs had not been built for PHP5.0.4, whic is the version we run now. Today, I was able to get the version of php-mssql I needed and installed it successfully. I am able to make a connection to our ms sql server using tsql. There is a mssql.ini file in the php.d directory and the mssql.so file is in /usr/lib/php/modules/. Using the get_loaded_extensions fuction, I see that mssql is a loaded module and the phpinfo() function shows me mssql configuration files. All indicators tell me that I should be able to connect. Obvsiously, since I'm posting to the list, you can guess that it's not working. The error message I get back is useless as I'm only told that the connection failed. Does anyone know anything else I need to check to get the connection working? Upon troubleshooting, I found that there is no traffic going to database server when I used TCPDUMP. There is traffic going when I use tsql. Thank you, Robbert van Andel