Thanks, Jasper, that seems to have done the trick. I'm not sure I understand why it is necessary to put the dll in system32, since there is an environment variable for the path that is pointing to c:\php. I would seem that it would pick up the dll through this env variable. >>> Jasper Bryant-Greene<jasper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 08/29/2005 2:56:05 AM >>> Shaw, Chris - Accenture wrote: > I thought you had to put the php.ini in the c:\windows directory? Please don't top-post. He said that when he changes the php.ini file the changes take effect after restarting Apache, so that's not the problem. See my other comments below. > -----Original Message----- > From: Glen Zimmerman [mailto:GlenZ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] > Sent: 27 August 2005 22:39 > To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: RE: PHP MySql Extension No Loading > > Yes, I have the dll in the right place (C:\php\ext), and PHPIniDir is set to > C:\php where php.ini is located. I know that php.ini is being picked up, > because the changes I make to the file take affect when I restart Apache. > PHP is loading properly as the php function, phpinfo, does display the proper > information page when I run a test. I just cannot get php_mysql.dll to load. Have you placed the MySQL client library (libmysql.dll or something similar) into c:\windows\system32 ? -- Jasper Bryant-Greene Freelance web developer If you find my advice useful, please consider donating to a poor student! You can choose whatever amount you think my advice was worth to you. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: