Re: Conceptional question

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Depends entirely on how many images you expect to be held in this
folder at any one time. Whilst all modern operating systems can cope
with lots of files, you hit a certain level* beyond which system
performance suffers increasingly.

Personally I'd create sub-dirs per user.

* Don't ask me what, but it's not a very high number IIRC.
It depends on the OS and what you're going to be doing.  I think a couple 
of years ago it was more relevant, but still, it's worth considering 
today.  My memory is that you can stuff a lot of files into a single 
directory provided you access them directly and don't ever want to list 
them out.
Still, that aside, there are very valid reasons for splitting them up into 
- You avoid any "lots of files in a single directory" problem.
- You create "break points" so to speak that would allow you to add a hard
  drive seemlessly.
- You potentially make it easier to back up.

If I'm just dealing with images whose names are unique and roughly sequential numbers I tend to create a structure like this:

Where A and B are 0 - 9.

This at least gives me a nice even spread of files. And if I run out of disk space I can add a new disk and move say the top level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 to it without affecting any of the code.
You can do the same for users, but you have to watch out for situations in 
which you probably don't have any users that start with Q or X, but maybe 
a lot that start with R so you can get a bit lopsided.
Interesting, I just created a "album" kind of section for a clients site, but i am dumping all the images of all users into the folder "user_album_pics" he's on a dedicated linux server with 2gigs ram and 300gigs hdd space...
Any rough estimates what number of images would be too much? and does 
anyone think i should make folders for each user? Each user is limited 
to max 3mb of pics though...
"df -hi" is your friend.

From one of my boxes, I get this output:
Filesystem    Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused    ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1a   252M    43M   189M    19%    1577    30933    5%   /
/dev/da0s1h    23G   4.8G    16G    23%   59514  2942084    2%   /local
/dev/da0s1e   504M   356K   463M     0%      40    64854    0%   /tmp
/dev/da0s1g   7.9G   1.8G   5.4G    25%  223147   811603   22%   /usr
/dev/da0s1f  1008M    72M   855M     8%    1398   128392    1%   /var
/dev/ad0c     147G    41G   105G    28%    1962 19327060    0%   /ad0

The 'iused' and 'ifree' columns tell you how many files/directories are
on that filesystem and how many you have free.  So this gives you the
max number of files you can store on that filesystem before you start to
get serious errors.

And the inode stuff is directly tied to how you've created that
filesystem (block size, etc...)  On freebsd, this can be adjusted when
you create the filesystem... see the 'newfs' man page for more.  Also
the 'tuning' manpage...

Hope this helps...


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