Re: Trying to load MySQL libraries from wrong location, configure failing

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On Sep 2, 2007, at 19:19:34, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

On 2 Sep 2007, at 23:42, Juan A. Pons wrote:

See my previous email, as yes other programming environments work perfectly well with this MySQL installation and as a matter of fact so does PHP when using the packaged configure script. As my bug reported, the problem occurs only after rebuilding the configure script. And this is without the symlinks.

My bug reported that is happened with the stock configure script.

Using the pre-packaged binaries from I wasn't able to make it work with an unmodified or a modified configure script without fixing the runtime paths or adding the directory and moving the libraries either (I tried both methods for sanity purposes, not mine, the PHP build scripts).

The symlink is an easy to implement solution but is not the correct one, moving the libraries to /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql or fixing the faulty runtime paths is the proper solution.

It's also best to ensure that the header files are also located in same path convention, examples, /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql & /usr/ local/mysql/include/mysql or /usr/local/mysql/lib & /usr/local/mysql/ include so that the same path convention is used for both library and headers files because some scripts don't test the paths separately.

I've recently complained on the forum (which was removed) about the faulty runtime paths and the private response was "the provided binaries are solely for the purpose/use of the mysql server software and the libraries are provided as a courtesy for those who wish to pursue development with the client libraries" but no one willing to go on record and make any kind of public formal statement to this or any other fact.

I've left another post that outlines the issue and suggest the easy solution so they don't feel like idiots cause I know at times I'm a little harsh in my responses.

To me, this looks like they just got caught offering a faulty distribution and rather than publicly say OK we fuqed up and fix it they decide to privately say no we provide it that way and it's up to the developer to substantiate/validate the libraries and have no intentions of offering a fixed version at this time.

Oh yeah, it was also recommended that I install from source rather that use the binary distribution.

I will be the first to admit, no one likes to be told their shit stinks, however if you can show why it stinks it's easier to accept and do something about it but if you just say it stinks and I spray perfume on it, it's harder to accept as a real issue since I've already taken steps to correct it, the same holds true for PHP and the PHP-DEV group the bigger issue in a bug report is showing the validity of the bug which people seem to miss.


- -- Dale

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