Actually owned a 400 mm Spiratone, not bad as I remember, all photos gone so it's just memory now, Bob.
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Russ <rebphoto@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So I am moving some furniture around and under my bed
amongst some other odds and ends I find my old Copy Stand
which I believe was made by...
Ready for this....
OK let see a show of hands who remember their
multi page ads in the back of Modern and Pop
Photography back in the 60's and 70's.
I still remember that they were always advertising
a 400mm F6.3 lens at some ridiculously low price.
Of course back in the 60's I was a young teen
and didn't have any money even for that!
Also I had no need of a lens of that focal length
regardless of the dubious quality!
R.E. Baker Photography
Feed a Cat...
Starve a Fever.....