I could not / would not photograph porn though I have done some nudes and enjoyed it. I'm not good at it, but I found the challenge interesting.
I could not photograph looking straight down from a high place…over a bridge, off a high wall or building. I am not afraid of heights but something happens in my body when I'm up quite high and look straight down. Don't like it one bit.
I've photographed several dead people, that is not a problem for me. I doubt I could do a murder scene though.
Last week I was with a friend who was dying of cancer. I so badly wanted to photograph her as she lay still in her bed but I was afraid to ask her partner's permission for fear she would think me overly invasive. I regret it but I can live with the decision. My friend died two days later.
On Apr 9, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Alberto Tirado wrote: I find it extremely difficult to make pictures in certain situations. I think I have expressed here that I don't like weddings and I have tried nudes with frustrating results. I fear heights with panic, on spite of doing photos aboard cargo ships (having to climb up and down the cranes or into the hold - never got used t it), so going up the Empire State Building for a change of air-traffic light bulb is out of the question (Joe McNally anyone?).
I didn't take pictures during my dad's passing because I feared my family would react negatively, This is something I wanted to do, but I could not, and I regret it for the story and the memories. I guess I feared my family would react negatively. As it turned out later, one of my brothers did take some pictures, which he keeps as personal (he used my old Sony F717, which is extremely silent).
Other than that, I am always interested in stories, so "I think" I could photograph about anything.
Is there any photo, or any kind of photography that you would/could NOT do?
**************** Alberto Tirado