Correct, none of us should be the same people we were a decade ago. One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. So, if we're the same people, one might draw the conclusion we're insane. We should all be works in progress. Having been associated with various artists over the years, and being a musician myself, I have some understanding of the NEED to be doing something in your art much of the time. It is something that must flow out of the soul, or it will seem to be killing you. Although constructive criticism is derived from the same source as above, it is difficult to achieve for many of us because it requires taking something conceptual and abstract, and making something logical and concrete in order for it to be shared and understood (with every intent that it be understood the same way) by the recipient. That difficulty offers a roadblock to many of us to doing critiques. Stephen --- On Thu, 8/9/12, Jan Faul <jan@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: