Lea, I have been through this on several projects over the years, although not with quite so many. The advice given is good. Decide on your limits. How many do you want to select? What do you want to set up as themes, etc. ? Think of it as an exhibit or book and impose some restraints. Be ruthless; with 70,000 images, you certainly have a few good ones for almost any categories you choose. Wade through them in several passes - eliminating the ones you _know_ you won't use and promoting some. This may be the stage where you end up discovering things you didn't know, so take advantage of it. Even if you love a certain image, be willing to toss it out. Take your time and take breaks - a couple of hours, days, or weeks. A refreshed view is always helpful. Keep some images in reserve, but only for the stage where you are making your prints and find out that one just is not working. Good luck! Nathan Prichard