Hans Klemmer - Fleur de mer In Italy it's frutta da mare, and I'm thinking that if you had not provided a tile or a caption, very few if any would identify this flowery collection as fish. It's an esthetically pleasing composition that does not rely on familiarity or recognition of subject. Trevor Cunningham - erect structure Whenever I see a Freudian phallus I remember a joke . Guy goes to a shrink who give him a Rorschach test. The shrink raises the first inkblot and asks, "What do you see?" The guy says it's a naked woman lying on a bed with her legs spread. The next? The guy says it's two lesbians having sex. The third? Two guys having sex. The shrink says, "Obviously you see sex everywhere you look." The guy replies, "Hey, doc, you're the one with all the dirty pictures." Rob Miracle - Halos and Horns In the 1800s Julia Margaret Cameron produced a number of dream-like allegorical and Arthurian images, which weren't widely appreciated. I think this image is way too detailed and harsh to work as a dream or a metaphor, especially when at the bottom there are credits for the author and stylist. Dan Mitchell - Malcolm Photo manipulation works best and succeeds when it's not detected, and in this case the severe dodging of the face is all too obvious. If it were darker and more sharply focused it would be more effective. Also, were this mine, I'd be inclined to crop off some of that wasted black space. Yoram Gelman - Winter Walk I'm very familar with and deeply love Central Park in all seasons, but for some reason I can't quite articulate, this representation leaves me cold. On 1/14/12, Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> wrote: > The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated JAN 14, 2012. > Authors with work now on display at: > http://people.rit.edu/andpph/gallery.html include: > > > Hans Klemmer - Fleur de mer > John Palcewski - Percussion > Trevor Cunningham - erect structure > Rob Miracle - Halos and Horns > Dan Mitchell - Malcolm > Yoram Gelman - Winter Walk > > > List HQ is pondering about having a theme based gallery - send theme > suggestions to: andpph@xxxxxxx with word THEME in subject line. > > Contributors! Find instructions at: > http://people.rit.edu/andpph/gallery-sub.html > > To participate in this activity send your contributions early and anything > you can do to prepare the photographs so they do not require additional > adjustment would be much appreciated. Especially keeping them near 100Kb in > maximum size. Please take an extra minute to abide by this request but if > you have doubts about how to prepare images just send them anyway and the > capable gallery staff will adjust them for exhibition. > > From: Daniella > > PS: do you know of other persons who might be interested in subscribing to > PhotoForum? See below: > > <p>FYI - for subscription instructions and other informational files visit > the PhotoForum's website at: http://people.rit.edu/andpph/photoforum.html > > <br>FYI- to unsubscribe from PhotoForum send email to: > listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with text "signoff PhotoForum" on first line of > message body. > > <br>PF on Facebook at: > http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=234442540144&ref=mf > >