Dan Mitchell- You haven't shown me something I haven't seen before. It just functions as a reminder of a place. What photography is about for me is creating objects that aren't second to the world but rather things onto themselves.
Howard Leigh- Though a cliche, a good one. All the elements come together... the gesture of the horse, the clouds, the light. It is the edges though that make a composition. As I move outside the main event I don't see that you considered the negative spaces as you might have done.
Palcewski- This shows me something I haven't seen. The whole picture is nicely composed, not just the subject. The space is defined with color, brightness, overlapping. A picture was made... not just "captured."
Walter Mayes- I like how the toad(?) appears to be made of bronze. Too bad it is cut off on the right. And the upper left is distracting. A slightly different angle might have been better.
Bennet- On my monitor it was dark. The horizon was tilted. And I thought too much tree was framing the picture. How's this? http://kimmosley.com/images/Bennet.jpg By opening up the shadows a triangle forms between the foreground, the water, and the figures.
Chris Stevens- You need to go farther. Imagine a scale from 1 to 10 where 10 represents none of the original photo remains. How far did you go?
Cunningham- This (like all subjects) need to be done over and over again. There are so many possible compositions. Why this one? You seem to be hesitating... like you are not quite sure of yourself.
PS. Hope I was helpful. Realize I was generally a little negative. There is so much to consider when making pictures. Kim