The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated SEP 11, 2010. Authors with work now on display at: include: Pini Vollach - Namibia Dan Mitchell - Lace-wing fly Emily L. Ferguson - Willet Michael Hughes - How do you do? Christopher Strevens - Dinner in the care home John Palcewski - Does He Really Love Me? Trevor Cunningham - light at the fringe of approaching darkness Andrew Davidhazy - Bottoms up! [Chris] [Chris] I was not impressed by the exhibition this week. The image of Namibia is a scene of utter desolation and place that I do not want to go to. I liked "how do you do" as it shows something human. The "Willet" image (I assume that is the name of the type of bird) is quite difficult to take but even so images like that are quite common so it is unremarkable. Unless it is rare but I do not know that. In contrast the "lace wing" is quite easy to take. I took images like that on a nature photography course that I took a few years ago. However it is a nice shot. It would be more original if the face of the little creature was featured in the image. Both the image by John and Trevor are obscure and I wonder what inspired John's title. She may have just got up and was hurrying to work. The "fringe" image is very strange and I do not understand it or its title. "bottoms up" is a joke picture and we all "see" this from time to time.