Re: PF gallery on 04-24-10

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What I was going for was raw and unadorned. She had on no make-up and we worked in the natural light in the room, as I noted. I guess I failed, at least in your view. Her nipple happened to be visible so I decided to leave it there.
Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments. It is good to hear all 

Mark Harris

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Palcewski" <palcewski@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: PF gallery on 04-24-10

Here are my comments on this week's gallery, as usual having a value
of no more than a dime a dozen, which in this instance comes out to
less than two cents each.
Mark Harris - Valya Portrait   The model's expression is empty,
vacant, hard to read, and the nipple is an unnecessary distraction.
If it were my image, I'd photoshop it out.  Not that I have anything
against a woman's nipple!   In this instance I think it just doesn't


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