Re: Comments

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Don et al,

I must admit to responding to Marilyn about my photograph -- to her but not to the forum.  Somehow I felt it was more of a private discussion about my own work and didn't want to invade others' inboxes with it.  But maybe I was too timid??   She suggested cropping differently, and although I disagreed -- especially after I cloned out the trash barrel -- I think I'll try doing that.

I too enjoy the gallery and often some of the comments.  Next time, I'll open up.


On Apr on Roberts wrote:

Marilyn, I really don't remember what the woman was doing but I am guessing that she was cleaning.  This was taken shortly before Mardi Gras and preparations were in full swing.

Now, I am curious.  There was a lot of emailing about the lack of a gallery and now that it is back, the hoopla seems to have died.  ntation of efforts last week and Marilyn's was the only critique.  Has anyone submitted images for this week?  Mea culpa, I have not yet.  Can we keep this going?  I know that I enjoy the gallery and the comments.

On 4/4/10 3:55 AM, Marilyn wrote:

Don Roberts
Mardi Gras Prep:  I always enjoy seeing things in photographs that I otherwise wouldn't get to see.   Is the lady painting?

Thank you to all who contributed to this show.  The images are varied and interesting.  Thank you to Andy and staff for hanging the show.

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