People did indeed used to be snobby about using flatscreens for photos,
and with good reason, old flat screens used to struggle to reproduce
the contrast range of a CRT. That has now changed and flatscreens are
the way to go. Contrast ratio is important, although "Dynamic contrast" makes it difficult to compare like-for-like these days, the only real way to tell is to look at the screen itself. LG seem to be the leaders in flatscreen production at the moment, and my 2 year old LG Flatron L1760TR looks beautiful and gives great colour reproduction, so I'd highly recommend whatever the latest model in that range is. I wouldn't personally recommend buying an Apple screen just because you don't really get any advantage over another manufacturer's panel (Apple don't manufacture the actual panel themselves), but you still pay the Apple premium, so you're effectively paying for the Apple logo. On 06/04/2010 11:43, jonathan turner wrote: My old CRT lacie monitor has packed I'm thinking of buying a flat screen monitor. |