I have been given a fuji S5 Pro IR camera with filter by the local
agents and they want me to explain how it works to the local police.
When I do research on the net, I come up with varying versions of
Andy's writings on the subject (He's everywhere!)
What I need to know is "Is it as simple as it seems?"
I point it in the direction of the subject, I can't see through the IR
filter of course. I set the camera to "P". I press the button and I get
a pinkish, strange image of the subject.
I'm amazed I can shoot in low light at 125 through that filter!
Tenacious stuff this infra red.
So? I guess I need forensic evidence (Blood? forgeries?) to shoot so I
can see what there is to analyze?
Any suggestions for what I could use as subject matter to impress the
pole leese? Other than cadavers or such sordid stuff?
What range does infra red photography capture? 780nm to 1000nm? I'm