Very interesting...can you set up the multi-finger touch commands used
on a macbook pro to work on an imac with either of these tools?
Lea Murphy wrote:
What I discovered with the Bamboo is that it could do so much but not
enough so the keyboard couldn't get very far away. My desk is such
that this was a HUGE PAIN both physically on my body and on my brain.
That was the main reason for moving to the Intuos4...way more command
keys on the tablet itself which cuts down on my need for the keyboard.
I like just using one tool...the I don't have to pick it up,
put it down, ad nauseum.
It took me awhile to figure out how to program the custom buttons on
my Intuos but once I did it changed my life. The can be customized
differently for each program I use regularly then have standard
universal settings for everything else. Crazy cool.
If you're not taking advantage of this feature on your Intuos I'd look
at it. It's in system prefs under tablet on your mac. You just map out
what you want the buttons to do. It's super simple.
Since you're used to your Intuos tablet I think taking advantage of
the custom button feature would serve you better than going to the
I'd ship you mine but I sold it. The best I could suggest is to buy
one and try it...see if it does what you need it to do. If not, take
it back.
Hope this is a little helpful.
life is short. photograph it.
On Dec 13, 2009, at 7:26 AM, "Emily L. Ferguson"
<elf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At 7:03 AM -0600 12/13/09, Lea Murphy wrote:
Yes. I like using the pen much better, though.
So you use the pen for navigating as well as more specific activities
like selecting in Photoshop? What was it about the touch method of
cursor control that made you prefer the pen?
I ended up getting the Intuos 4.
Do you still have the Bamboo? If so, would you like to get it out of
your house!
I used a tablet years ago then stopped. Can't imagine why.
I've been using an Intuos 2 for a long time, maybe 7 or 8 years now.
I use the pen for everything, but have never used the little buttons
on the tablet on it at all, or the button on the pen. I've also
never figured out how to make the pressure sensitivity feature of any
value to me. But then, I don't edit my photographs in Photoshop
except to remove dust spots - I've never been able to draw, and
because of that drawing has never been part of my ways of expression.
Alternatively I use a trackball in the other hand for navigating
through menus and for image actions which require the cursor to stay
somewhere and not wobble. And I use a large repertoire of keyboard
The touch commands of the Bamboo seem like a useful feature
especially if I could eventually abandon the pen entirely. I think
I'd like a single input device that did everything that the keyboard
commands didn't do.
Does your experience with the Bamboo indicate that it might be that
in the hand of a skillful user?
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races