Roger, I am no color measurement expert but my gut feeling is that you
are not only correct but that others have already done this. ImageJ is
another program that does this. I am not sure that Photoshop or ImageJ
for that matter read out in density "units" ... like log values. I am
used to reading density as logs. In CMYK is the K value not a "variant"
of density? I've used the K value - guess in my case it was %
transmission (?) as an indicator of "tonal value" since I did not need
actual density values but simply matching "darkness" levels. Anyway, I
better stop 'cause I am feeling like a fish out of water!! ;)
Roger Eichhorn wrote:
if i recall correctly, PhotoShop allows one to set up and measure the
density of a step wedge that can then be printed out on transparency
film. Will that do to calibrate? Or, why can't one just scan the b&w
negative and use the photoshop densitometer to make the measurements
and avoid building or buying anything else at all?