As I said ... I don't know how to deal with this but I
suspect you may have to go step by step and use a separate
FTP program like Fugu or Fetch
for username = your email address
for password = anonymous
then click the pub directory
then click the ritphoto directory
and then click the thumbnailgalleries
I think ... on the other hand since it is already an open
site you should not need to fill in thse blanks at all.
In other situations some people have mentioned the empty
folder situation ... but I don't remember why they encountered
it and/or what the solution was if any.
good luck! share your success ...
David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
On Tue, April 7, 2009 22:51, Laurenz Bobke wrote:
it seems that the url has to be all lower case
Nope, that gets me to the same empty directory.