First off, I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not agree with the comments going around MSN these days about people who don't submit images to the Photoforum gallery being losers or 'sucking', as the kids say. Just because everyone claims to be a photographer of some sort doesn't mean they have to share their snaps. First off, I like how in Andy's photo, the light and shadow on each successive impression of the ball changes. Its quite dramatic at the start of the shot and lessen a bit as the second light provides more input at the end. Its also neat the see the lateral movement decrease at the top of each arc. Do you see how at the point where the ball is closest to the table, on the first and second bounce only one image of the ball is recorded but on the third and fourth bounce you get double balls? Would it be possible to adjust the light source to record a single ball on each bounce? Even better would be to set up your rifle and shoot the ball part way through its travel. Emily's photo is a very familiar scene to me (except for the copyright notice). It's a place in which I feel very much at home and my photo of a boat upon the water is a common theme in Emily's photos although her photos tend more toward wind powered craft than vehicle carrying craft. Roy's comment of how both our photos depicted a sense of space prompted me to realize how similar the photos are. Both contain open water, neither contains an visible living creatures, both contain prominent lines (mine rigid and Emily's more flowing) and both contain a distant vanishing point. Is this just a result of our both living in similar topographical regions or is it a photo-psychic bond? Greg