Hello Guy,
I did darkroom work for 54 years (started in grade 5) and I can tell
you that using reducers is always pretty much of a surprise-that is
each material
and chemical combination reacts differently. Follow all of Karl's
advice and test before hand on a smaller strip using the roll/unroll
process. You don't
want to loss those big beautiful prints you've worked so hard to
Much good luck on the outcome. Don't know if I would have the guts to
undertake such a task.
On Jan 17, 2009, at 9:30 PM, Guy Glorieux wrote:
.....................I have a darkroom question for those who may
still remember working with an the enlarger and with chemicals in
trays under the safelight...
The question has to do with the tratment of over-exposed prints and
the use of reducers, such as Farmer's. Does anyone have experience
with the chemistry and the results which they would care to share
with me?........................