Re: Ok so everyone seems to want lively debate (not flame wars)

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I agree with you, however, all I said was better, and that's all I was talking about.

I know no small number of folks with high end cameras of divers brands. The cameras stay on the automatic settings. Thanks to the newer technologies in autofocus, exposure control and anti-shake most all of their photos are sharp, well exposed Pablum.

"I don't mind if you don't like my manners.
I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad.
I grieve over them long winter evenings."
 -- Philip Marlowe (Humphrey Bogart)

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Dyer-Bennet" <dd-b@xxxxxxxx>

On Sat, October 11, 2008 16:54, Bob Blakely wrote:

Having better or newer pots and pans does nothing make you a better cook.

"Better" certainly does; it's easier to not burn things for example with a
good pan.  "Fancier" doesn't help of course.

Having a better or newer hammer does nothing make you a better carpenter.

Having a framing hammer makes it easier to pound in all those nails in
framing, though.

Having a better or newer car does not make you a better driver.

But it can let me escape from dangerous scenarios I couldn't drive my way
out of in a lesser vehicle.  (Certainly it can also tempt me *into* those
situations in the first place.)

Having a higher or newer degree does not make you wiser.

Or smarter.  But it probably makes you more educated, which is what a
degree might really measure.

Having better or newer brushes does not make you a better artist.
etc., etc. etc.

Having worn-out brushes makes you a worse artist.

The better, newer equipment can, however, aid you in turning out, with
prolific fortitude, a much higher volume of sharp, well exposed crap.

It's amazing how rarely I see it used for that.  (I don't mean it's not
mostly crap; I mean the crap is mostly not sharp or well-exposed.)

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