In a message dated 10/5/2007 11:36:20 A.M.
Eastern Daylight Time, lookaround360@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Will you please fill us in on the transportation show
Andy's judging? Submission guidelines, etc. - or, has the due date past?
Build a 120/35mm Lookaround! The Lookaround Book. Now
an E-book.
AZ, this is the link to the juried competion if the links
in the copied CFAP email to me below don't work
![The Center for Fine Art Photography]() |
Calls for
There are three new calls for entry posted
on the Center's website:
- Planes, Trains and Automobiles - how we get around, from
rickshaws to rockets
- Portfolio Show - six photographers portfolios will be
chosen for the exhibition
- Macro World - the world up close and personal
More details
>>> |
Employment Opportunity
Director - The Center has a full-time opening for its
Programs Director. A MFA with a photography emphasis and
several years teaching experience are among the minimum
requirements. If you have an interest, or know of someone who
might be interested, the job description is on the Center's
New Site
The Center is collaborating with to provide
the Center's members discounted benefits. Details will follow
in the next newsletter, but in the interim, you may want to
check their value-rich site. Link
>>> |
Art Sale -
Over 50 framed images that have been
donated to the Center are on display in its second gallery.
This fundraiser for the Center offers those that can visit the
Center the opportunity to acquire notable works of art for
their collection or as gifts, while benefiting the Center's
programs. |
Colorado Photographers
This week the Center is hosting a limited
portfolio exhibition of seven Colorado artists. Each artist
has six images on exhibit. The exhibition is in the Center's
main gallery through Saturday, October
6th. |
October Forum - Personal
October Forum - Thursday, October 18, 6:30
Your Personal Project - Erik Stenbakken
will talk about creating personal projects that help you grow
as a photographer. He will talk about identifying your
passion, creating a vision and executing the project. There
will be ample time for a Q&A
More details
>>> |
Cindy's departure
Over the past 20 months, many of you have
had occasion to work with Cindy Munro, the Center's Assistant
Director. Her congeniality and willingness to help has been
experienced by many who only know her by her cheery voice.
Cindy came to the Center when it began its first growth spurt
and was instrumental in making it possible. There are not
enough words for me to personally say how much all of us have
enjoyed working with her. Cindy will be leaving the Center
October 19th to return to Michigan. I know
many of you join me in wishing her a bright future.
Critical Mass
Photolucida's Critical Mass 2007
is now open for registration! Critical Massis an annual juried
competition that offers an online submission
process.Participants receive tremendous artistic exposure, and
three book prizes are awarded. Registration closes October
26. Details
| | |
Larry Padgett The Center for Fine Art
| |