Linda Buttstead
Frangipani: This photograph has a very delicate look and nice detail in the flowers and leaves. I like the dark background and the lighting on the flowers. The triangular shape of the blossoms creates a very nice balance and composition. Don Roberts
Harvest Time: Powerful because of the clouds and sky - it looks as if a storm might be brewing (you have to understand that where I live a "storm" consists of a cloud or two and a few drops of rain), yet bucolic looking because of the country/farm look. This creates a nice yin and yang feel to the photograph. Iwan Kurniawan
Laughing on the bike: This photograph has a light-spirited and carefree appeal. It's evident the girls are having fun. Did you pan with the bike, Iwan? If so, you did a good job Emily L. Ferguson
Zakim bridge: I like this photograph for many reasons. The colors - red, yellow and blue are great; the structure's silhouette holds my attention, it's an unusual shape and creates a strong image. This is one example of how centering the subject in the frame works well. Valery Firsov
The lone herdsman: I think that in order to make the figure really lonely, the herdsman should be further away and smaller. I cropped the sky out of the frame and I liked the photograph better. The light sky competes with the figure. The concept is very appealing. This photograph could be used on the cover of the book, Heidi. Jim Snarski
Young Hawk: Nicely done. The blurred background; the textures of the tree limb and detail of the bird make one very nice photograph. Pini Vollach: This is
interesting because it could be a photograph of a few weeds in a small pocket of
sand, or trees in a landscape - it's hard to tell. The lower, right
hand corner is a perfect canvas to include a poem, written in
calligraphy, about sand dunes (something I'm experimenting with -
integrating poems or phrases right on the surface of my
Aphrodite: When I went to the website noted in your information about this photograph, I got an "error page," but did go to the Brooklin Boat Yard site. Very interesting. The photograph is fascinating because I don't know exactly what I'm looking at. The dark portion around the boat looks as if it is water, then something (a blue board - I don't know enough about boats to know the proper names of what I'm trying to describe) looks as if it is a division between water and water. Yet, the reflection of the sky and clouds are too pronounced to be reflected in sea water, so I'm assuming the surface directly around the boat is something else. Regardless, the photograph holds my attention and there is a lot to look at. A great exhibit. Thank
you to all who contributed and to Andy and staff for hanging the
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorthea Lange |