PF exhibit update May 19, 2007

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The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated May 19 2007. Authors
with work now on display at: include:

                Rene M Hales p- Buddha in My Garden 	
                Elson T. Elizaga - Hard Food 	
                Tim Mulholland - Fox Pups 	
                Roy Miller - Untitled faces and lips 	
                Roger Eichhorn - La Rabida Monastery
                Emily L. Ferguson - Bobbi and Elizabeth 	
                Guy Glorieux - 1822-1877 - Layton, NJ 	
                Howard Leigh - Louvre Paris, February 2007 	
                Kostas Papakotas - Red on Green 	
                Steve Shapiro - Tree of Light

Enqueued for future updates of this exhibit are photographs by Ferguson and

To participate in this activity send your contributions early and anything you
can do to prepare the photographs so they do not require additional adjustment
would be much  appreciated. Especially keeping them near 100Kb in maximum size.
Guidelines for participating in the weekly or the series exhibits are
available by following the link provided on main gallery page given above.

FYI: There is a theme driven exhibit being organized. There are now a
sufficient number of contributions to install a gallery and this will be
done soon. Maybe next weekend?

From: Belinda and the PF gallery staff

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