Robert G. Earnest: This is an interesting shot. I like it
very much. I would like to see a little more contrast, but this is my
preference, others may disagree. Is the color around one of the
headlights hand-colored?
Jim Snarski
Art Nouveau: The wings are beautiful. The glass made a perfect background, but I think I would like to see the body in sharper focus. Again, that's just me. Per Ofverbeck: I always enjoy your photographs,
Per. You have your own distinct style. This is an unusual shot of a
flower and it's very nice. I find the out-of-focus surroundings of the
flower a little distracting, however.
Rene M
Chimayo Courtyard: The design to the right of the skull complements the skull's lines. I found myself returning to this image and looking at several times so it has some pull. Linda Buttstead:
This photograph has a very lonely and
sad feel to it. It evoked an emotional response from me.
The bench and table on the right hand
side, waaay in the background, add interest.
Herschel Mair
Yellow spot: I enjoy shots like this one and find myself taking similar shots from time-to-time. I think it takes an artist's eye to spot the unexpected and unusual. If I had taken this (and I didn't, I realize that), I'd have put the yellow spot off center and in one of the corners. Russ Baker:
Black and white photography was my first love and first loves are always
tucked away in one's mind. I like the mood, the era the photo
reflects and the style/lighting/composition of this photograph. It brings
to mind the movie Citizen Cane.
Emily L. Ferguson
MIT: Just the right amount of building, steps and sky. I keep thinking what a powerful impact this photo would have if just the one figure dressed in black were in the frame (next time just shoo the other pesky students away {:->). Bob Sull
Vacation Home - Needs Work: What a great building. I'd be close up and personal with all the rust and decay. Some dramatic lighting (sunrise or sunset?) would add impact to this photograph. I love all the subject's potential. Howard Leigh
Mixed Tandoori: The composition and angle are good, but I find the items around the plate distracting. A little more light on the top of the food would make it easier to see. This was a challenging shot, though, and you did a great job capturing it. Thank you to all who made this show
"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to
the listening heaven." Anonymous