I've run Linux and thus looked at the Gimp. But I can't see how to control the printer as I can through either CS2 or Qimage. My latest investigation via a live CD was gnewsense based on Ubuntu. Any solution to this? At the moment I've got almost perfect print-outs from my R220 and an old 1290.
Howard Bob wrote:
mohadib wrote:Linux works extremely well in pro environments. It runs on the IBM Risc System 6000 servers and there are Linux partions on the large IBM enterprise systems.I don't know how well Linux would work out for a pro really, but for a hobbyist it works out nicely. Linux hardware support is always getting better , but scanners seem not to work well on any OS ;) cheers, jdOne of my Customers convinced his boss to run Linux on the pc that monitored the RS6K servers they had. In two years it was down three times, each for scheduled upgrades......As for scanners, a friend of mine runs Linux and, if I remember right, his scanner works well. It took a little doing but he got it running. Next time I talk with him I'll ask which release of Linux and which scanner, etc.....Bob