At 03:39 PM 9/23/2006, you wrote:
What tricks do you use to deal with that
ecosystem? Flash? Multiple exposures at different apertures and
superimpose the results? Dodge and burn in PS? Do you use the
curves adjustment to balance the brights and darks? Accentuate the
contrast and ignore the original situation, which is basically even
light with bright spots?
Emily L. Ferguson
Emily - That's what PSCS2's HDR -High Dynamic Range - is made
for. You'll need a tripod and you'll need to take at least three
exposures, one for the shadows, one for the highlights, one medium -
but you can include many more. Read more about it here:
I don't usually use this since I photograph people most of the time,
but I hear it is fantastic. Have fun!
Tina Manley, ASMP, NPPA