Guy, et al., I'm pleased that you appreciate my reviews. I have a habit (bad, good, or indifferent) of waxing verbose when I am looking at work online; the reviews I post have been trimmed for readability. Whenever someone puts any amount of effort into work, then puts his/her reputation on the line by posting it into a gallery such as this one, especially with the understanding that the purpose being for critique as a means toward improvement, I have been taught, and still believe, that it is my responsibility as a viewer and de facto critic of the work to put forth some sort of effort in the way of feedback. As a photographer who has submitted work and gotten abundant reviews in the past, my obligation to the List, in the form of 45 minutes to an hour of my time per week, supersedes whatever I may have otherwise been doing in the real world. It is a bit frustrating, even a little disappointing, to see the participation in the Gallery at the level it is now, after having joined the list when there were 10-12 photographs posted weekly, and frequently others bumped to the following week. Ideally we will go back to that heightened level of discussion, perhaps going so far as to see a less than 95% "lurk ratio", but for the meantime, I will continue as I have been, submitting a full weekly critique, possibly even a photo from time to time, and looking forward to the days of enlightenment from all angles, which I am sure will come again. Yours very truly, Darin Heinz Melbourne, Florida USA