Guy -
Are you asking about the web site or the images?
I thought the web site was terrible to navigate. It was only by
accident that I discovered there were as many independent "galleries"
as there are. There is no indicated way to get back to the page to
choose more galleries. I am willing to bet that half the people that
get to the site don't see most of the images. There should be "home"
or "back" or "top" buttons on every page and there shoulod be
thumbnails or a list for the different galleries.
OK, that was the negative part.
I really liked many of the images. I though the fashion show
documentary was terrific, very effective as both individual
photographs and as a story. I thought the green stuff was
stunning. I thought the black and white was a bit hit and miss, with
some excellent shots and some that suffered from their "look" and
could have been improved with some more attention to the post,
whether it was prints, scanning, or just the computer work. This
detracts from the overall vision, something I found resonated with
me. I will go back to look again, and if there was ever a show
somewhere, I would definitely go.
At 04:18 AM 8/19/2006, Guy Glorieux wrote:
Greetings all,
A colleague asked if I would comment on the web site of a young
photographer by the name of Marie Ozanne, travelling to Montreal from France.
There is some really interesting images on the site. But overall, I
find it a bit disconcerting. Some of it is obviously associated
with cultural differences in the treatment of images between France
and North America. But I wonder if this is the only thing that puzzles me.
Before I finalize my review, I wonder if anyone would care to have a
quick look at the site and tell me how they feel.
Thanks and best regards,
Jeff Spirer
One People: