Congrats, Don!! Are there any online that we can see? Still using 4x5? Cool. I have a complete Horseman 450 kit for sale if youi know anybody who wants to get into LF. I just can't bring myself to sell it through a store. I want it to go to somebody who will use it and have fun creating great images. I have a compelte list if anyone is interested. Les -----Original Message----- >From: Don Feinberg <ducque@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Sent: Jul 18, 2006 2:46 PM >To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Subject: Shameless Self-Promotion > >This mail is a shameless self-promotion, as I will be having a one-man >gallery show. > >I will be displaying about 28 photos. They are divided into three subject >areas. The prints are all 11x14 and 16x20, both color and monochrome. > >My latest (home built) 4x5 field camera will also be on display. > >The opening of the show will be held on Friday evening, 28 July, 2006. >(Refreshments will be served) > >The gallery is: > >Gallery's Choice >5145 Main St. >Downer's Grove, IL >630 969 5660 > > >Don Feinberg >ducque@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx >