Only the thumbnail is on its side. The large photo is right side up.
Roger Eichhorn
On 21 Jun 2006, at 08:11, Marilyn wrote:
Ooops. I sent this flower photograph in before noticing I had the
bloom on its side.
Howard Leigh
Protest at Westminster: If only all protests could be so orderly.
Were people allowed to go behind the barrier and talk to the people
protesting? I guess not or the barrier would not be there. The
most interesting part of the image for me is the cluster of men to
the left of the policeman. I'm wondering what they are talking
about, they look so deep in thought. (They are probably deciding
what to have for lunch {:->).
Pini Vollach
Stairs: Like you, Pini, my attraction to photography evolved from
my fascination with shadows and black and white photography. The
steps make for an interesting checkerboard pattern. Would it be a
stronger photograph if the right hand side of the photo was cropped
so only the dark step pattern showed on that side? The bar and
light on the right are a little distracting. It could just be me.
"Take into account that great love and great achievement involve
great risk."
The Dalai Lama
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