Following on from the CC v. Photoshop filters debate...
Can someone now define what we mean by a "photograph" in these days of
"digitised images"?
If you look through many magazines, go to photography competitions,
visit exhibtions, so many exhibitors are displaying images which have
been excessively modified, not just using PS filters, but including
brushwork, text, multiple images some of which are not originally
photographic images. Thr end result is thus a long way from the original
So, what is a photograph today?
P.S. (!)
I do use PS, but to adjust colours slightly to give more pleasing tones,
just as a lab might have done when printing, to sharpen the image a
little, and maybe to re-touch skin tones and flaws slightly.
But I try to keep the final image along the lines of a traditional photo
print, i.e. the scene as I saw it.