Re: neat gimmick I found on the web

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>>>I quote: "The first thing you need to do is find two images that will
complement each other. I went to and clicked on the Images
search and found a couple of stock photos that did not contain a
copyright. "

Ho hum ... the general view that it the images don't actually contain>>>


Here is another problem to think about: who actually owns what and how can it be proven if one is forced to do so in court.


Let’s say I found a nice landscape on some other web site and I wanted to use it as a book cover image. Therefore, I do the right thing and I ask for permission. In writing, not by email.


Problem is, the person giving me permission did not own the image. He/she thought he/she could because as everyone knows, "anything on the web is in the public domain." I know this to be both a popular belief and completely false. The person granting me "permission" might have lifted the image from yet another web site.

The little c does not need to be displayed and by no means is the web a place to find music, pictures, and prose completely free for the taking.


The bottom line is ask first and if you want to use the IP of others, ask for permission, and hope that is enough. Always assume the image is NOT in the PD unless it can be proven.



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