Hello all,
I just wanted to share some recent good fortune with you. I thought I
did well when I won $10 for answering an online survey after doing
business with a company, when yesterday I learned of an even greater
windfall--I won a printer that Samys Camera was giving away as a
promotional for signing up for an e-mail newsletter. And not just any
printer, either, it's the new Epson Stylus Photo R2400p! I had been
eyeing the 4800, but due to current circumstances didn't have a place
to put it. The 2400 is considerably smaller and lighter than the 4800
(but doesn't print as large) and uses similar technology. For the
price, I'll find a place to put it. It will be slightly used as Samys
used it for their review, but it wasn't used for in-store demos. I'll
let you know how the prints look once I get it set up.
This is it here: http://www.samys.com/product.php?ItemNo=EPSOC11C603011
Rich Mason