Re: PF Exhibits on 27 AUG 05

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At 02:26 PM 8/29/2005, Bob Talbot wrote:

If you can't take comments, perhaps you should reconsider putting your
photos up for comment ...

You wanted comments on the photo for it's own merits but you don't
want to hear what it says to the viewer?
Several years back I came to the realization that, regardless of what 
I thought about the photo, the comments here were useful as market 
research, giving the perspective of people other than me and my 
immediate circle.  That doesn't mean I have to agree, but it does 
mean I can find out what types of people like and don't like my work.
I have a pretty good handle on that now - I've found that my 
photographs appeal to specific age, sexual orientation, and location 
As for the photo, my big problem with it is that I have never 
understood the nudes and rocks thing.

Jeff Spirer
One People:
Surfaces and Marks:

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