"I remember having to wash and dry prints for
an *hour* after I'd worked myself to exhaustion making the prints."
Hmmm. Some see it as exhaustion, others see it as a feeling of euphoria
I was just listening to a CD about photography and one of the messages was
(by Brooks Jensen, LensWork editor - I have paraphrased his words) that if
he hadn't been introduced to the history of photography and film, darkroom,
etc., he doesn't think he'd have the passion for photography that he has.
I have to agree - it was the history of photography and the darkroom that
captured me and keeps me enthralled with the process. (Can you imagine the
surprise when people started seeing their surroundings and themselves
captured in a box and then appearing on paper? It makes me think of some
aboriginal tribes that thought their spirits have been stolen from them
when their photograph was taken.)
Leave gentle fingerprints on the
soul of another for the angels to read.