On May 30, 2005, at 10:20 AM, Emily L. Ferguson wrote:
Hey Maggie,
It's not Per. He's got no digital problem at all! Digital Heaven has
arrived for him.
But you have to google Andy and find out who he is....
How are you doing with your RAW files, incidentally?
cookin' thanks Emily.
okay, so i shot without teh focus (again...). please accept my
apologies Per. one single malt coming your way. my question remains.
why is there so much dick'eadery about digital? or am i hallucinating
again? it never happened? no one pokes fun at digital? no implies there
is some sort of character defect if you don't use film?
sheesh...i suppose you're all gonna run away and cry like little
schoolgrrls now...
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography