----- Original Message ----- From: "Joseph Chamberlain, : I would like an indication for a textbook on photography that would really : get into technical details instead of discussing only techniques. I am : looking for something that would discuss the fundamentals. : : Some of the issues I wish to research a little further include: : : 1. Exposure and what exactly defines the ISO speed of a film : 2. Amount of light required for proper exposure at each ISO film speed : 3. Formula used to access amount of light transmitted to film from aperture : and shutter speed : : The ideal textbook should be well illustrated but focus primarily on the : real technical and fundamental aspects of photography instead of being : simply a nice photo album illustrating techniques. : : What are your recommendations ? : : Thank you advance for your help. the best? terchnical: Photography Theory and Practice - by Clerc General technical: the Focal Encycolpedia of Photography - Focal Press The Ilford Manual of Photography - Focal Press for printing: The Art of Black and White Enlarging - David Vestal k